The two days before general deer season are reserved for kids ages 12-15 to hunt. We booked a cabin in the Crazy Mountains for those two days. We set our at about 7:20 on the first day of the youth hunts. As you can see from the bottom right photo, it was a beautiful landscape. The first twenty minutes were packed with deer, all of which were either out of range or saw us first. We proceeded on the hunt for a while, until my dad spotted a doe the top of the drainage above us. I had just gotten set up to shoot when she moved off into the brush and off onto private land. We continued for about an hour, when I spotted two more mule deer does about five yards from the above photo. I was getting set up to shoot the closer one when a smaller but easier-to-get third deer emerged from the brush. I shot her through both lungs and the heart, causing her to run about three steps, jump over a log, and fall as she landed. After taking a moment to thank her, we gutted the doe and carried it back to the cabin (thanks to my dad for the hauling). I have a Deer B-tag and a General Elk Tag left in terms of big game hunting, and can take up to three grouse a day, so there could be many more to come!

wait a minute, you got a deer and didn't call me!? you are Grounded, young champ. call me at once! good shot and respectful hunt, bud....you're a rock star. U2