Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lama Packing

About to embark on a lama pack expedition in the Wind River Range. The idea is the lamas carry everything except your small day pack. We'll be gone for five nights, with a peak elevation of ten or eleven thousand feet.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Owned by a TRAIL!!!!!!!!!!

I don't get to the point of being sickishly tired that often, and it never gets to the point of me puking, until yesterday... The idea was to ride up the Sourdough Trail and the cut up over the top and down into Hyalite Canyon.

So we ride up the first nine or so miles, and then reach the one part that no one in the group had been on before. According to the Android GPS App (and a large amount of estimation), there's a killer climb to get over the top, but only for a short while. So we start up the climb, and are soon reduced to pushing our bikes uphill. After ten or so minutes of pure pain and want of cold liquid, we realize that the "hill" (more like Mountainous Peak of Suffering and Doom) does not actually continue for a "short while," in fact, it continues for more of a hellish eternity (it turned out to be around 1,100 feet). While the most fit member of the group elects to suffer on through the mask of pain and death, my dad and I decide to descend the way we came and forget we ever saw the Awful Mountain of Death and Destruction.

Now for the puking part. I woke up slightly sick, but felt 100% better in time for our Outing of Death. However, just as we started up the Lofty Peak of Hell and Disembowelment, I started to feel it again. I had also felt sick when we stopped before we reached the Summit of Fear and Loathing, but that was always fixed by resuming our ride. Now, here's the crucial element: That whole time we were going up, so I was working. On the way down, it was all a big descent, which was basically just like standing still, except at 20 mph. So I was bumming on the way down. When we got home, I was lying on the couch and feeling pretty awful.
Me: "Dad, I think I'm gonna barf
My Dad: "No, you're alright, just sick."
My Dad: "Jeez, you really did puke"
So yeah... You get the picture.

Nationals Pics


Sunday, July 3, 2011

2011 USAT Natonals

I was 16th in forms at Nationals. Even though it's not as good as I usually do at tournaments its still good especially in such a big field of competition. I lost the first match in sparing 4-3. I was ahead from an early head kick but let down my guard in the last round and got hit by a few shots I could have avoided. Bummer. Better luck next year, but looking forward to possibly going down to Jimmie Kim's Open Tourney in LA in October. Nationals pictures coming soon.